Wednesday, November 9, 2016

What's New This Week - 10/21

This week we have been doing many things all subjects. For example, in social studies we are working on our mock election. On Thursday we received our four-person groups, then divided positions and brainstormed for our platform. Soon we will be launching our official campaign trail alongside professionals, which should prove to be interesting. We are also developing ways to
make the experience fun for everyone by discussing and writing basic norms about mudslinging in our context as well as professionals as the walls are filling up with signs.

In writing we have a “write-away” at the beginning of every writing and social studies class. Sometimes we have hard questions like “If someone paid you $1,000 for kissing someone you have a crush on in front of the whole class, would you do it?” or “What do you imagine yourself looking like in 20 years?” Also every Tuesday and Thursday, we have a Free Write. A Free-Write is where you get to write about anything. We find Free-Writes very fun, they are also good for continuing unfinished Write-Aways.

In reading we have read and developed theories about  Chicken Sunday by Patricia Polacco.  Our read aloud is currently Afternoon Of The Elves  by Janet Taylor Lisle. We have also been learning multiple ways to write our entries like umbrella themes, secondary character influence,  setting significance, and theories. Every Monday and Wednesday we have one. We also have been getting entries from Ms. Greller to show us what they look like. We have a minimum of reading for 40 minutes, but we can read more if we want. Ms. Greller advises if we are almost done with a page or chapter, to finish it even if 40 minutes are up.We also do not have to use reading logs, WHICH IS AWESOME!!!!!

In Word Work,we are doing a range of words such as extract, brittle or consume. We are currently working on lesson 2. We have our test coming up soon. For our homework, we have one page of the section were working on. We put the words into sentences and also explore the definitions. In the classroom, we have a bulletin board where we put post-it notes if a vocabulary  word was in a book you are reading.

In math we have been learning ratio tables and two digit divisor division for this unit. Last unit we did a lot of pace value, exponents, and re-learning two digit factors in multiplication. We recently took a test for unit one, and have moved to unit 2. Our math homework is 1 page of math (just front) every night.